Saturday, February 07, 2009

Hey, who plugged up the intertubes?

We've had lousy internet access for weeks. We thought the problem was our DSL modem, so we convinced our provider, AT&T, to give us a new one. And the modem made a huge difference. But it's still slow.

What seems to be happening is service drops out frequently. The former modem couldn't cope and had to be rebooted frequently. This new one reconnects, but it still often can't deliver a page for a while. So we have layers of problems: problems on problems. See, the net is just like life. We'll all be telling our kids that one soon.


  1. Ooh, that sucks.

    Our new internet connection is pretty damn fast and seems fairly reliable (KNOCK ON WOOD).

    But I can't get the secure network features to work properly on the wi-fi for both Lisa's work laptop and the Mac, so I just have to hope that my neighbors are not pirating my wi-fi.

  2. Which secure options have you tried? My instinct is that if you try to set up WEP, rather than WPA, it'll work better, by least-common-denominator logic.

    But yeah, those wifi pirates are brutal...
