Friday, July 29, 2011

My painting sploded

I like this piece by Gregory Euclide, which uses two things I like -- miniature scenery and sort of negative-space-pieced-together-flimsy-surfaces...I don't have a word for the second thing.

In other news, I'll be reposting things from This Is Colossal until I get tired of it.

Dice people

I'm getting a kick out of browsing the archives of the blog This is Colossal. Here's some neat human figure art I found, people made of dice:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Bad Machinery: Lonely

Bad Machinery has a new story going on: The Case of the Lonely One.

I really like Bad Machinery. I like it so much that it's painful to wait for the next episode. I like to wait a few weeks instead and then catch up.

There's something about the way the characters quip at each other; the way their art shows their character. And the counterpoint of the adult teachers vs. the schoolkids is always fun.

I was rereading Giant Days, another spinoff of Scary Go Round, too, and remembering how much I liked it. With that one, I enjoy the college setting and the idea of new friends banding together against bad guys.

I guess I should try to join a forum or something. I feel like these are tremendous comics that you don't hear enough about.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Boardgames as free PDFs, from Cheapass Games

Cheapass Games, who I admire for Kill Doctor Lucky, have put several of their older games online as free PDFs. Have a look.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Arrested for crossing the street

It takes a jury of driving white people, I guess, to convict a black lady of a crime when a  driver who admits he'd been drinking hits her 4-year old. This article puts that case in the context of road design: when you lack a car, and your bus stop is across the street from your apartment complex, are you going to walk several blocks to get to a crossing?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hermione Granger

What if the Harry Potter books had focused on Hermione as the main character?

I've read cogent criticism of Harry Potter before, and this what-if article reflects my favorite argument against the series: that Harry is treated as amazing, but never actually does much to deserve what he gets. He's a Chosen One and that's all. I hadn't really thought about who actuallly saves the day, though....